Poynter: Nine ways journalists can do justice to transgender people’s stories

Motion Hearing Held In Bradley Manning CaseLauren Klinger, of Poynter wrote an excellent “How To” piece this week on writing about transgender people. Her first suggestion is to refer journalists to the GLAAD transgender styleguide.

“Transgender people make news of all kinds, so reporters of all kinds need to know how to write about them – not just journalists whose beats regularly include diversity issues,” Klinger writes. “Recently, government reporters found themselves writing about Pvt. Chelsea Manning, crime reporters in Orlando covered the murder of Ashley Sinclair, and Cosmo got an exclusive shot at punk rocker Laura Jane Grace’s coming out story.”

But there’s more to covering members of the transgender community than just using the right words.

“You can still be insensitive using the right words,” Janet Mock, an advocate, author and former journalist at People, said in a phone interview. “You can still completely be dehumanizing using the right words.”

“We can’t just accept people for who they are now,” Mock said. “We have to compare it to who they were before.”

“The main way you see trans people show up in the media is as dead bodies,” said Jos Truitt, executive director for development and policy at Feministing.com, a feminist blog and online community.

via Nine ways journalists can do justice to transgender people’s stories | Poynter..

The Good, the Bad, the Subjective: lessons from great literary journalists – Truman Capote



In an age where the digital media revolution is expanding as quickly as attention spans are shortening, newsrooms have to ensure their content is both punchy and entertaining. News has to be compressed into ever shorter sentences and soundbites, so turning to the novel for inspiration might not be the first thing that springs to mind of a 21st century journalist.

But the genre of ‘New Journalism’ that emerged in the 1960s continues to spark controversy and fascinate readers. The seamlessly woven threads of the writer’s subjective impressions and hard, objective facts are often impossible to disentangle, revealing that journalism is in fact neither perfectly balanced, nor completely factual.

Yet, even in this age obsessed with precision, the relevance of the fictional journalism endure. Some works are even held up as teaching materials for journalism classes, implying that they can still teach us how to make journalism vibrant and engaging…

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Quality journalism requires a lot of reading – MISA

The following speech was made by Vuyisile Hlatshwayo, national director of Swaziland’s Media Institute of Southern Africa, at a conference on free speech in Pretoria on August 20 2013. The conference was organised by the African Union’s Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, Media Institute of Southern Africa, and University of Pretoria’s Centre for Human Rights. Hlatshwayo argues that good, informed journalism and editorial content requires reporters and editors to read as widely as possible.


Journalists have been attending short, specialised courses in technical subjects locally, regionally and internationally for years. Not only that, some would have left university with minors in political science, development studies, sociology, psychology, and economics. The aim is to “equip students with knowledge and skills to be able to analyse, interpret and report on political and economic issues at national and international levels”. As long as they have passed the exams in the…

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Social Media Tools

Sue Llewellyn

Social Media Tools - BBC VideoThe new BBC College of Journalism website is full of really useful training videos, tips and guides. Whether you’re a budding journo or you’d just like a few useful tips on how to interview or write for tv etc.

This short film, made last year, is my very brief guide for how to use social media tools like Google, Twitter and Facebook  – I must learn to speak more slowly.

If you have any questions or need any advice please don’t hesitate to comment here or tweet me @suellewellyn.

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Call for Papers: The Peace Journalist, October 2013 Edition

Try to Do it ! حاول

The Peace Journalist is a semi-annual publication of the Center for Global Peace Journalism at Park University in Parkville, Missouri USA.

The Peace Journalist is dedicated to disseminating news and information for and about teachers, students, and practitioners of peace and conflict sensitive journalism.

Submissions are welcome from all. For the October, 2013 edition of The Peace Journalist, we are seeking short submissions (300-550 words) detailing peace journalism projects, classes, proposals, academic works in the field, etc.

The Peace Journalist will not run general articles about peace, but rather invites only those with a strong peace media/peace journalism/conflict sensitive journalism angle.
Please submit your article, a 2-3 sentence biography of the author, as well as a small head and shoulders photo of the author. Please also submit photos and graphics that could accompany your article.
The submission deadline is Sept. 7. However, given the limited space available in this…

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Ochberg Fellowships 2013

Try to Do it ! حاول

The Dart Center Ochberg Fellowship is a unique seminar program for senior and mid-career journalists who want to deepen their knowledge of emotional trauma and psychological injury, and improve reporting on violence, conflict and tragedy.

Reporting responsibly and credibly on violence or traumatic events – on street crime and family violence, natural disasters and accidents, war and genocide – is a great challenge. Since 1999 the Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma, a project of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, has offered the annual Ochberg Fellowships to outstanding journalists interested in exploring these critical issues.

Fellows attend an intensive weeklong program of seminars and discussions held at Columbia University in New York City. Program activities include briefings by prominent interdisciplinary experts in the trauma and mental health fields; conversations with journalist colleagues on issues of ethics, craft and other aspects of professional practice; and a host of…

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